Proficiency Testing

January 19, 2024
Controllab issues a proficiency certificate that highlights the excellence of the analyses
Establishments that have received certification can demonstrate their commitment to quality to the public. Controllab has issued the 2023 proficiency certificate to all establishments that met […]
November 28, 2022
Pesquisa em Citometria de Fluxo HPN contribui para evolução do programa de qualidade
Controllab convida os profissionais para colaborar com informações dessas rotinas e participar do aprimoramento do Ensaio de Proficiência  A Hemoglobinúria Paroxística Noturna (HPN) é uma doença […]
October 31, 2022
Meningitis: increase in the number of cases and identification of outbreaks set the alert on
Experts reinforce that vaccination is the greatest weapon against the disease, which can also be controlled with quick and accurate diagnoses In the last few weeks, […]
August 23, 2022
Controllab helps laboratories in the routine of Epidemiological Surveillance
In a recent publication, the Brazilian Ministry of Health reinforced the guidelines regarding the need to intensify laboratory and epidemiological surveillance to control the spread of […]
August 19, 2022
First Proficiency Testing for Monkeypox takes place in September
Laboratories in Brazil and other countries have already confirmed their participation to assess the reliability of the analyzes and the implementation of routines.  The laboratory segment […]
September 6, 2021
Performance of in vitro devices against the Proficiency Testing, it’s the theme in a Workshop at the 2nd SBPC/ML Virtual Congress
A workshop promoted by Controllab will allow participants in the activity to access information that contributes to better decisions in their analytical processes On September 9, […]
September 1, 2021
Quality in clinical laboratories in times of pandemic is the theme of the 2nd Virtual Congress of SBPC/ML
Activity will bring discussions about analytical observations in Proficiency Testing for Covid-19, impacts of the pandemic on Accreditation Programs, learning and contributions of the pandemic in […]
August 24, 2021
Controllab discute desempenho dos sistemas em Workshop no 2° Congresso Virtual da SBPC/ML
Com o tema “Desempenho dos dispositivos in vitro frente ao Ensaio de Proficiência”, empresa promoverá workshop com comparação de desempenho dos sistemas, incluindo dados internacionais Abordando […]
August 23, 2021
Controllab participará da grade científica do 2º Congresso Virtual da SBPC/ML
Empresa contribuirá no tema “Qualidade nos laboratórios clínicos em tempos de pandemia”, falando sobre as observações analíticas identificadas no Ensaio de Proficiência para Covid-19 No dia […]
August 1, 2021
Portfolio expansion consolidates Controllab among the largest providers
The company stands out as a full solution operating in several segments, serving from human to environmental analysis. Throughout its trajectory of more than 40 years, […]
February 2, 2021
Proficiency Testing: reliability for the analytical performance of laboratories
Muito além da obrigação legislativa, Ensaio de Proficiência é fundamental no processo de melhoria contínua do laboratório. Procurar um novo caminho nas decisões de melhoria do […]