September 20, 2023
Controllab endorses commitment to promoting knowledge at the 55th CBPC/ML
The company presented workshops with real cases, scientific summaries and interactive activities at congresses. Controllab’s participation in the 55th Brazilian Congress of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory […]
November 14, 2022
Confira as principais atualizações sobre os Consensos de FAN HEp-2 na aula online promovida pela Controllab
Com foco no controle de qualidade, a aula online e gratuita auxiliará os participantes a realizar uma eficiente análise crítica e investigação de resultados, visando a melhoria na rotina dos laboratórios
October 11, 2022
Urinálise é tema da próxima aula promovida pela Controllab
Com foco no controle de qualidade, a aula online e gratuita auxiliará os participantes a realizar uma eficiente análise crítica e investigação de resultados, visando a melhoria na rotina dos laboratórios
October 19, 2021
Good practices for the quality of results is the subject of a lecture at the Microbiology Congress
Activity carried out by Controllab will bring valuable discussions about good practices and will address the routines of different segments, from clinical microbiology, to food industries, […]
October 18, 2021
Quality assurance in Clinical Microbiology is subject at the Brazilian Congress.
Activity will bring discussion on method verification and validation, as external quality control contributes to laboratory improvement and production and conservation of reference strains On October […]
September 6, 2021
Performance of in vitro devices against the Proficiency Testing, it’s the theme in a Workshop at the 2nd SBPC/ML Virtual Congress
A workshop promoted by Controllab will allow participants in the activity to access information that contributes to better decisions in their analytical processes On September 9, […]